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Begründet glauben

„Begründet glauben ist eine Plattform für einen konstruktiven Dialog zwischen Wissenschaften, Weltanschauungen und dem christlichen Glauben.“

Mit Videos, Texten und vielem mehr! Diese tolle Webseite ist seit 1.10.2016 online und wächst dauernd weiter! (Sie entstand also etliche Jahre nach – die Initiatoren haben uns damals freundlicherweise gefragt, ob wir etwas dagegen hätten, wenn die Seite so heißt. Natürlich hatten wir nichts dagegen!) oder

„Deine Fragen an Gott.“

Laufend werden Fragen zu Glaubensthemen ansprechend und kompetent beantwortet.

Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft

„Das Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft will das Gespräch zwischen Glauben und Denken in vielen verschiedenen Bereichen fördern. “ Mit umfangreicher Textsammlung und wertvollen Rezensionen und Veranstaltungshinweisen.


„Bei Profundum wollen wir die Breite, Länge, Höhe und Tiefe des historischen christlichen Glauben erforschen in der Überzeugung, so Antwort auf unsere tiefsten Fragen und Sehnsüchte entdecken zu können.“


Tiefer denken!
Stärker glauben!

„Die Bamler-Gehret-Stiftung ist überkonfessionell im christlichen Weltbild verankert. Unser Ziel ist es, durch vielfältige Denkangebote die zentralen Wahrheiten des christlichen Glaubens und Lebensstils zu vermitteln und zu fördern (C.S. Lewis nannte dies mere Christianity: ‚Christentum schlechthin‘).“

Catech’eria – Philosophie mit Genuss

„Die Catech’eria bietet Philosophie mit Genuss, d.h. sieben Abende mit tiefsinnigen Streifzügen durch die großen Fragen des Lebens. Philosophisch zubereitet, naturwissenschaftlich flankiert, genussvoll präsentiert mit kleinen kulinarischen Verkostungen, die sinnliche Analogien liefern. Als Präsenz-Veranstaltungen oder Zoom-Videokonferenzen für Sinnsucher, Pilger und Feinschmecker des Lebens.

Die zu jedem Thema speziell konzipierten Verkostungen sollen verdeutlichen, was die Gäste an den Abenden gehört und mitgedacht haben. Ziel ist es, Skeptikern und reflektierten Christen eine Brücke zum Glauben zu zeigen. Neue, verständliche, vor allem rationale und naturwissenschaftliche Argumente für eine Beschäftigung mit dem Christentum zu liefern. Oder zur Festigung und Verteidigung eigener Glaubenspositionen im Diskurs mit Nicht- und Andersgläubigen.“

Kepler Forum e.V. – in der Tradition des Denkens

„Die Mitglieder des Kepler Forums sind Studenten, Dozenten und Interessierte, die philosophische, naturwissenschaftliche und religiöse Fragestellungen untersuchen und darüber diskutieren wollen. „

Science and Faith – Aufsätze, Zitate, Links von Prof. Dr. Arnold Neumaier, Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Wien.

„Science is the truth only in matters that can be objectified; in the spiritual world, where values, goals, authority and purpose are located, science has nothing to say. It is a poor life that is restricted to the scientific standard of truth, where you and I are nothing but a collection of atoms without meaning and purpose. Realizing the narrow-minded nature of science opens the gate to an understanding of God that complements the scientific truth and gives life, love and peace.“


„Hier finden Sie Wissenschaftler aus verschiedensten Fachrichtungen und Konfessionen, die christlich-abendländische Werte und Weltanschauung in ihrer Bedeutung für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft diskutieren.“


„Die Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft widmet sich der Frage, was wissenschaftliches Denken und christlicher Glauben einander zu sagen haben. Wir fördern das interdisziplinäre Gespräch zwischen christlicher Theologie und den Wissenschaften. Wir bieten Orientierung in diesem spannenden Konfliktfeld für alle Interessierten.“

Studiengemeinschaft Wort und Wissen

„Die Studiengemeinschaft Wort und Wissen ist ein wissenschaftlicher gemeinnütziger Verein. Thematische Schwerpunkte der Arbeit bilden Grundlagenforschung und Bildungsarbeit im Spannungsfeld ‚Naturwissenschaft und christlicher Glaube‘.“


„Kreationismus, Intelligent Design, Schöpfung und Schöpfungslehre, Evolution und Evolutionskritik. Die Ursprungsforschung ist ein Kampfgebiet theistischer und atheistischer Weltanschauungen geblieben. . . . Diese Seiten sollen zu einer objektiven Einschätzung der Argumente für und gegen Schöpfung oder Evolution beitragen.“

EZW – Evangelische Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen

„Die Evangelische Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen (EZW) ist die zentrale wissenschaftliche Studien-, Dokumentations-, Auskunfts- und Beratungsstelle der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) für die religiösen und weltanschaulichen Strömungen der Gegenwart. Sie hat den Auftrag, diese Zeitströmungen zu beobachten und zu beurteilen.“

Academy of Christian Apologetics

„The Academy is a ministry to the body of Christ whose goal is to provide each and every Christian with the materials needed to learn how to articulate and defend their faith in a way that stands up to intellectual criticism. There are many facets to the discipline of Christian apologetics. This site is a collection of resources which reflects this diversity. These materials are meant to give a well rounded view of some of the finest resources available.“

„ aims to bring together the best possible resources for thinking about and communicating the Christian faith. Its goal is to help to prepare all Christians to provide an answer to those who deny the truth of Christianity. Whether that’s answering the attacks of Richard Dawkins, discussing our faith with a Muslim colleague or chatting about the latest episode of Dr Who with a neighbour, aims to provide you with talks and articles that stimulate you to think about your faith and its relation to the world and culture around us, and then to show how Christianity is not only true, but provides the answers to life’s biggest questions. The technical term for all this is ‘apologetics’. Whether you are a student, at home or at work, we want to help you to talk about your Christian faith in a way that is relevant, attractive, true and culturally aware.“

Centre for Public Christianity

„The Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) is an independent research and media organization seeking to promote the public understanding of the Christian faith in Australia and beyond employing the best of scholarship via the best of media.“ Mit reichhaltiger Sammlung von Videos, Interviews, Artikeln – nicht nur für Australien! Besonders toll: Kurze Interviews mit führenden WissenschaftlerInnen verschiedenster Disziplinen.

Christians in Science

„CiS is an international network of those concerned with the relationship between science and Christian faith, open to scientists, teachers, students and all those with an interest in this dialogue.“

C.S. Lewis Society

„The website covers two broad areas, General Apologetics and Intelligent Design. In General Apologetics we consider and debate questions about the Bible, the coherence of theism, morality, Christianity and other religions, the nature and purpose of apologetics, prayer, metaphysics and other issues related to the truth of Christianity. In Intelligent Design, we consider and debate the ID movement vs. Neo-Darwinism. ID holds that there are features of the universe and life that are best explained by deliberate, intelligent design, and that design in nature is sometimes formally detectable.“


„Damaris is an educational charity with a Christian foundation – but working with people of all faiths and none. We are committed to rigorous study and effective communication as we seek to relate biblical Christian faith and contemporary popular culture. Damaris operates in three departments ChurchSchools and Media.“


Culturewatch helps you explore the message behind the media. We have hundreds of articles, study guides and video podcasts reflecting on films, books, music, television and more. CultureWatch contributors are all Christians, but it’s for everyone who wants to explore the message behind the media.

European Leadership Forum Resource Centre

„The Forum Resource Center is identifying common needs and offering the best resources to help meet those needs. Our aim is to bridge the needs of evangelical leaders and some of the world’s best resources (Local Leaders’ Needs-God’s Global Resources).“

Evangelical Philosophical Society

„Founded in 1974, the Evangelical Philosophical Society (EPS) is an organization of professional scholars devoted to pursuing philosophical excellence in both the church and the academy. Interested laypersons can join as full, associate, or student members. The EPS journal, Philosophia Christi, is a scholarly publication containing discussion of a variety of topics that are of interest to the philosopher and to the philosopher of religion.“

Faculty Commons‘ Academic Initiative

„Partnering with faculty to restore the plausibility of the Gospel and the prominence of the Christian worldview in academia.“

The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion

„The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion is a Cambridge-based interdisciplinary research institute improving public understanding of religious beliefs in relation to the sciences.“

First Things

„First Things is published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society.“

Fixed Point Foundation

„Fixed Point Foundation is committed to publicly defending Christianity through education, events, and the development of innovative resources that empower Christians and challenge skeptics.“

Dr. Gary R. Habermas

„History, Philosophy, and Christian Apologetics: Specializing in Resurrection-of-Jesus Research.       Billions profess to believe in the historical existence, death, and supernatural resurrection of Jesus. This man from Nazareth, a working-class Jew, made an exclusive claim to personal deity. The size of his popular religion and this one audacious claim refuse to be ignored, yet neither one amounts to evidence.     Gary Habermas has dedicated his professional life to the examination of the relevant historical, philosophical, and theological issues surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus. His extensive list of publications and debates provides a thorough account of the current state of the issue. Christian believers as well as unbelievers may find within the contents of this site a strong argument for the philosophical possibility of miracles and the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, as well as the theological and practical implications of this event.“

Leadership U

  • a ResourceBASE containing thousands of articles, reviews, research papers, essays, books & book chapters, commentaries, video & audio files, poems and more
  • a multi-disciplinary vehicle to help reach professors, students and other thinkers with the best in Christian thought on a variety of compelling issues
  • a growing community of apologists for the historical Christian faith who are engaging their culture on a variety of fronts

LICC – The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

„LICC exists to envision and equip Christians, and the leaders, churches and organisations that serve them, with the biblical framework, practical resources and models to engage biblically, relevantly and vigorously with the issues they face in today’s world.“

Probe Ministries

„Probe’s mission is to present the Gospel to communities, nationally and internationally, by providing life-long opportunities to integrate faith and learning through balanced, biblically based scholarship, training people to love God by renewing their minds and equipping the Church to engage the world for Christ.“

Reasonable Faith

„Reasonable Faith aims to provide in the public arena an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the most important issues concerning the truth of the Christian faith today. . . . Reasonable Faith features the work of philosopher and theologian Dr. William Lane Craig.“

Reasons to Believe

The mission of Reasons To Believe is to show that science and faith are, and always will be, allies, not enemies. Our goal is to bring that life-changing truth to everybody who needs to know, both believers and nonbelievers. It is our conviction that since the same God who „authored“ the universe also inspired the writings of the Bible, a consistent message will come through both channels. In other words, the facts of nature will never contradict the words of the Bible when both are properly interpreted. We want to help seekers of truth to find answers to those questions that bar them from entrusting their lives to Christ. And we want to help Christians find new joy and confidence in worshiping the Creator as they shed their fear of science.

The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics

A Centre for Training: We want to serve the local church by training and equipping believers for evangelism and apologetics, by producing materials for our web-based channels, and by offering online hybrid courses.
A Hub for Mission: We seek to commend the credibility of the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ through the questions of culture, by speaking in secular settings and contributing to public discourse on religious belief.
A Community of Thinkers: We want our thinking to be rooted in up-to-date scholarship, ensuring that our content is accurate and honest. To this end, we invite academic specialists to give open lectures, and continue to mentor young academics through our doctoral-fellows programme.

OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics was established in 2004 to raise up the next generation of evangelist-apologists. By 2021, around 350 emerging evangelists from around the world had studied on the OCCA one-year programme. This course equipped each of them to share and defend the gospel message and to come alongside others to help them with their intellectual objections and heartfelt concerns about the Christian faith.“

The Resurgence

„The Resurgence is a reformed, complementarian, missional movement that trains missional leaders to serve the Church to transform cultures for Christ.“

Test of Faith

The Faraday Institute in partnership with Contrapositive New Media have produced materials on science and faith that are relevant and accessible for everyone, with contributions from leading scientists and theologians.“

The Trinity Forum

„The Trinity Forum is a leadership academy that works to cultivate networks of leaders whose integrity and vision will help renew culture and promote human freedom and flourishing. Our programs and publications offer contexts for leaders to consider together the big ideas that have shaped Western civilization and the faith that has animated its highest achievements.“

The Truth Project

„In a recent study, the Barna Research Group revealed a stunning statistic that continues to reverberate throughout the evangelical world. Only 9 percent of professing Christians have a biblical worldview.Because of this, today’s believers live very similarly to non-believers. A personal sense of significance is rarely experienced, we spend our money and time on things that fail to satisfy and we begin to wonder what life’s ultimate purpose really is. We are, in short, losing our bearings as a people and a nation. To counter this slide within the body of Christ, we are launching one of the most ambitious and powerful projects in the history of our ministry—Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project. The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 12 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett. This home study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life.“

The Veritas Forum

„We create forums for the exploration of true life. We seek to inspire the shapers of tomorrow’s culture to connect their hardest questions with the person and story of Jesus Christ.“

Access Research Network

„Access Research Network is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing accessible information on science, technology and society. We focus on such controversial topics as genetic engineering, euthanasia, computer technology, environmental issues, creation/evolution, fetal tissue research, AIDS, and so on. Through our publications and product offers, we give you the information you need to orient yourself in today’s scientific and technological world and make informed decisions. But science and technology are only half the picture. We put science topics in perspective by looking at related political, ethical and philosophical issues–so you can get a well-rounded understanding of the hot issues.“

Center for Science & Culture

„Started in 1996, the Center for Science and Culture is a Discovery Institute program which:

  • supports research by scientists and other scholars challenging various aspects of neo-Darwinian theory;
  • supports research by scientists and other scholars developing the scientific theory known as intelligent design;
  • supports research by scientists and scholars in the social sciences and humanities exploring the impact of scientific materialism on culture.
  • encourages schools to improve science education by teaching students more fully about the theory of evolution, including the theory’s scientific weaknesses as well is its strengths.“


„This site features scholarly and popular resources concerning intelligent design and philosophical theism. „

L’Abri Fellowship

„The L’Abri communities are study centers in Europe, Asia and America where individuals have the opportunity to seek answers to honest questions about God and the significance of human life. L’Abri believes that Christianity speaks to all aspects of life. At this site you will find the latest information for each branch and an introduction to what L’Abri Fellowship is all about. If you still have questions after reviewing the information here, please contact the branch closest to where you live.“

The C.S.Lewis Page

Artikel zu C. S. Lewis, Links zu online-Texten.

The C.S.Lewis Foundation

The vision of the C.S. Lewis Foundation is to engage culture creatively and to cultivate faith, reason, and imagination in the company of friends. Inspired by the life and legacy of C.S. Lewis, we encourage and equip Christians to live out their faith within the world of ideas and the arts. The goal: our programs produce spiritually equipped and culturally literate Christians who are transformative in whatever area they may be called to serve.

Society of Christian Philosophers

„The Society of Christian Philosophers was organized in 1978 to promote fellowship among Christian Philosophers and to stimulate study and discussion of issues which arise from their Christian and philosophical commitments. One of its chief aims is to go beyond the usual philosophy of religion sessions at the American Philosophical Association and to stimulate thinking about the nature and role of Christian commitment in philosophy.“

Alvin Plantinga

Alvin Plantinga ist der John A. O’Brien Professor of Philosophy an der University of Notre Dame. (Essay collection)

Richard Swinbourne

Richard Swinbourne ist Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford, Emeritus Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, Fellow of the British Academy. Diese Seite der Universität Oxford enthält auch einige seiner Aufsätze.

John Lennox – Science and Ethics

John Lennox ist Professor für Mathematics an der Universität Oxford, Dozent für Mathematics und Wissenschaftsphilosophie sowie Pastoral Advisor am Green Templeton College, Oxford.

4Gospels – the less sensational site

„A site run by scholars and postgraduate students based mainly in Cambridge, England, providing accessible information on the 4 Gospels in the New Testament as well as many other writings which are or have been called gospels.“

STEP Bible

Griechische und Hebräische Texte der Bibel mit Wortanalyse von Tyndale House (Cambridge).


Blog von Peter S. Williams: A blog about ‚Intelligent Design‘, plus natural theology, Christian apologetics, philosophy and anything else that takes my fancy.

Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism

Textkritik, Handschriften, Versionen: The Encyclopedia attempts to cover all aspects of New Testament Textual Criticism in an orderly and fair fashion.